Sony WH-1000XM3 のファームウェアをダウングレードする



Factory reset the headphones (7 second two-button press until 4 blinks of the blue light)
1. Remove all traces of the previous WH-1000 connection in your phone.
2. Make sure you have a recent version of Headphone Connection App from Sony uploaded.
3. Download & Extract (from the links previously provided in this thread)
4. Move the bin file you wanna flash into the “custom” folder: In my case, I wanted to downgrade from 4.2.2 to 2.0.0, so I moved the appropriate BIN from the INT folder into the folder labelled ‘custom’ from the previous proxy extract (my headphones were bought in Europe)
5. On your laptop, ensure firewalls are ‘off’ or allow port 8848 through. Your laptop and phone must be on the same WIFI network.
6. Figure out the IP address of your laptop on your local WIFI network. Easily done by opening a CMD window and type “ipconfig” in Windows (there are other ways to find your IP address, too)
7. In your phone WIFI settings, set up the HTTP proxy (google for this, if unsure). Often found under ‘advanced’ settings, for Android: change the proxy to ‘manual’, the ‘Proxy Host name’ to your laptops IP address (a series of numbers separated by full-stops) and set the port to ‘8848’ and then press ‘save’. Note: don’t expect to reach any internet sites on your phone after doing this, just trust it will reach your laptop, assuming all steps have been performed correctly.
8. Run the “RUN.cmd” file found in the extracted folder: Just click on it and it opens and runs automatically. Follow the instructions to choose one of the functions. I wanted to downgrade from 4.2.2 to 2.0.0, so I just typed ‘3’ and hit return, for the option ‘force firmware’ – yes the danger danger one 🙂
9. If all is set, it informs you that port 8848 is open
10. Open the Sony Headphones Connect app. and register for the first time your headphones via a Bluetooth connection. The app will notify you that a new update is available
11. Click on the the banner for the update and check that the version you are after is the one listed. Note there are lots of Chinese characters and the version is listed as 1.0. In my case, I had to trust that the BIN labels were true, and they were. KUDOS u/rotala55403
12. Hit upgrade on the phone and wait for 20-30 mins. You can follow its progress on your phone’s screen. Nothing much happens in the CMD window after the connection is made between laptop and phone – just a couple of lines of text.
13. After update, perform yet another factory reset (see above) and wipe all old Bluetooth connections from the phone (step 1).
14. You are good to go; NOTE you will be prompted to upgrade to 4.2.2 every time you open the app. You can upgrade any time.

仕組みとしては、オンザインターネットと Headphone Connection App 間の通信にプロキシかまして、バージョンの低いファームウェアをアップデートと誤認識させる感じ。

注意点としては Headphone Connection Appは 7未満でやること。そうしないと期待するリクエストがプロキシに飛んでこないっぽいです。ただ、古いバージョンのアプリのインストールはストアからは出来ないと思います。 Androidをお使いの場合は、AndroidをPCに繋いで、こちらからapkを入手して、ターミナルから`adb install -r -d <apk file path>`とすればインストールできると思います。1adbをマシンにインストールしないとだめっす2iOSはめんどくさそうだったので試していない

それから、価格コムで紹介されてるこちらですが、ソースコードの仕様上、同機のファームウェアのバージョンが4.1.1 の場合しか機能しないっぽいです。3 4書き込みしにいった方がいいような良心の呵責がある一方、アカウント作るのがちょっと億劫

最後にやってみた感想ですが、今のところ違いを感じられないですね笑 どうなんでしょこれ。SONYは頑なにNCが劣化してると認めてないみたいですが、案外本当かもしれません。それから、耳にくるNC圧は2.0.0系の方がある気がします。耳への負荷は4系の方が改善されてるのかもしれません。こうした点ふまえると、下げなくて良かった系ですが、もう少し様子みようと思います。正直、久しぶりに着けたのでよくわからん